Advance Against Credit card Receivable

The company which involve in retail or an area where the they get their payment credit card swiping there NFC can raised money for your working capital as well as any kind of expansion. We will give you future credit card receivable on the spot in form of OD or working capital term loan which to be payed in monthly repayment this facility is toe tally unsecured.

Advance Against Rent Receivable

The company or an individual who need fund for expansion or for any other reason NFC can make arrangement of funds by discounting their future rent receivable here we can arrange in term of OD as well as monthly repayment term loan.

Loan Against Properties

Reaching your goal is not an easy task. More so in business. Hidden behind every opportunity are challenges that have to be overcome so that your business can grow and move to the next level. So to fulfill any fund requirement in your business we can arrange funds against your properties while keep in mind best rate and amount so that you may make best use of it.

Company as well as individual can eligible for such and any structural deal can also be arrange.

Loans For Buying Properties

Investment is always advisable but investment is properties is more advisable for better appreciation, NFC involve to make your dream property into realistic by arranging fund to buy property either for company of individual.

Loans Against Shares

The another way of raising fund is to pledging your share with our bank/institution which are approved by them, fund can be either in form of Over draft or demand loan with monthly repayment, we take care to give best valuation of your shares and with better rate.

Our Services

Starting a Business