Packing Credit ( Pre Shipment & Post Shipment )

NFC plays vital role in arrangement of packing credit without any cash margin and five times of your given security.

NFC can get you arrange in the system of packing credit with our banks/institution which offers both Pre shipment and Post shipment credit in rupee denominated terms to exporters having firm export orders or confirmed letters of credit.

Rupee / Foreign Term Loan

NFC has been a aggressive in structured finance products by designing and using a wide variety of relationship channel. We can arrange Rupee term loan for our client to expand their business and to entre into growth phase by increasing their production well as we also arrange foreign currency term loan primarily for export oriented units who want to import capital goods to either diversify/expand /modernize or setup new unit to increase their competitiveness in global market at competitive interest rate.

Pre-Shipment Export Credit
Pre-shipment Credit (Packing Credit) to the exporters, for financing purchase, processing, manufacturing or packing of goods prior to shipment.

Post-Shipment Export Credit
Post-shipment Credit that is any loan / advance granted or any other credit provided by SBI for purposes such as export of goods from India.

It runs from the date of extending credit, after shipment of goods to the date of realization of export proceeds and includes any loan / advance granted on the security of any duty drawback allowed by the Govt. from time to time. Post-shipment credit has to be liquidated by the proceeds of export bills received from abroad in respect of goods exported.

Export Debtor Discounting ( Advance against Receivable)

Export Debtor Discounting is a service that covers the financing and collection of account receivables in domestic and international trade. Where we could look at financing your receivables from your buyers. For example you supply you Finish good to your client where you generally get payment after 60 – 90 or120 days. Though which our working capital got stuck and our cash flow get improper so we came into such arrangement where you get that credit payment on the spot from our banks/institution and you need to pay them after 60 – 90 or 120 days so that your working capital flows smoothly.

This facility are available for all small as well as medium size industries who got credit sales. Arrangement can be done totally unlike to your bank facility where no security or NOC to be taken from your bank.

Inter Corporate Deposit (ICD).

NFC is one of the oldest players in arranging ICD in the market and we had successfully arrange for our number of client. This can also be done for SME Companies which required fund for shorter periods without disturbing their present bankers.

Buyers credit

L.C. Discounting

As per today’s scenario the total business transaction has been back by LC where the payment are secured but still working capital get blocked as the credit terms remain the same so here NFC can Arrange player which discount your day today LC though which you get your payment realization on the spot.

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